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Helmsdale is a village on the east coast of Sutherland, in the Highland council region of Scotland. The village is on the A9 road, at a crossroads with the A897, and has a train station on the Far North Line. Buses run approximately every two hours Mondays-Saturdays and occasionally on Sundays from Helmsdale to Brora, Golspie, Dornoch, Tain and Inverness in the south and Berriedale, Dunbeath, Halkirk, Thurso and Scrabster in the north. West Helmsdale lies across the river from the main village above the train station. Old Helmsdale is directly to the north while East Helmsdale is a settlement less than a mile to the east. Helmsdale is a fishing port at the estuary of the River Helmsdale, and was formerly the home of some of the leading herring fleets in Europe. The river itself is famous for its fishing. Helmsdale Castle, the remains of which were destroyed in the 1970s in order to construct the new A9 road bridge, was the area of the murder of the 11th Earl of Sutherland in 1567. The Earl and his Countess Marie Seton were poisoned by Isobel Sinclair. The present day village was set out in 1814 to resettle groups that had been gotten rid of from the surrounding straths as part of the Highland Clearances. Facilities in Helmsdale consist of an independent hostel, a culture centre, an art gallery, and an inn. Helmsdale is well-known for its Highland Games which are celebrated on the 3rd Saturday in August yearly. Best known is the evening Marquee Dance when the village population of 700 more than doubles thanks to visitors going to the dance. Helmsdale is also home to Bunillidh Thistle F.C. and Helmsdale United. For all your home makeovers, be sure to find credible specialists in Helmsdale to make certain of quality.
Does your home need revamping? Or do you need to do you have a few little jobs that need to be done? At Local Pros, we’ll find you a authorised contractor who’ll be able to help you out with whatever you need. Whether your just need something fixing or you want a new new addition to your home, a Helmsdale pro inside our network of companies can offer you a great price.
Why Local Pros? Each and every contractor in our network is insured and authorised, so you can pick a Helmsdale pro without being concerned that you may be scammed or short-changed.
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Available Services:
Local Pros have one of the largest networks of home improvement specialists in Helmsdale, so we are sure to find you a trusted pro in Helmsdale for your project. Our matching service is available for over 100 different home improvement projects, including plumbing, roofing, tiling, CCTV, solar panels, replacement windows, insulation, asbestos removal, kitchens, bathroom refit, new central heating or if you need extra space with a conservatory or an extension. Local Pros’s network of rated pros in Helmsdale offer installation, maintenance and repair – so whatever you need let us know.
Residential and Commercial Projects:
At Local Pros we are able to find you the right Helmsdale pros for either Residential or Commercial properties. Our network of specialists in Helmsdale can deal with all your commercial requirements. Whether you need a solar panels on your office, installation of air conditioning in your office, pest control, or an electrician. We can find you the right professionals for your Helmsdale business project.
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