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Brierley Hill is a little town and electoral ward of the Dudley Metropolitan Borough within the West Midlands of England. It is located about 2.5 miles to the south of central Dudley and 2 miles north of Stourbridge. Brierley Hill was traditionally in Staffordshire, but is now a part of the West Midlands metropolitan county since its establishment in 1974. A part of the Black Country, and in a heavily industrialised area of the Dudley Borough, it features a permanent population of about 14,000 inhabitants, in accordance with the 2011 census. Mostly a product of the Industrial Revolution, Brierley Hill features a somewhat current history, with the very first written records of the town dating back to the 17th century. First established as a settlement within the woodland of Pensnett Chase, it started expanding rapidly following the chase’s enclosure in 1748, and was initially displayed on a map in 1785 following the mapping of the Stourbridge Canal. The town is mostly known for glass and steel production, although the industry has declined significantly since the 1970s. On the list of the largest factories in the area was the Round Oak Steelworks, which was closed down and redeveloped during the 1980s to turn into the Merry Hill Shopping Centre. The Merry Hill Shopping Centre is immediately to the east of Brierley Hill. One of the biggest shopping centres in the country, it was built between 1985 and 1989 on the site of Merry Hill Farm, the final functioning urban farm within the West Midlands. Since 2008, Brierley Hill, including the close by Waterfront Business Park and Merry Hill Shopping Centre, has been officially named the Strategic Town Centre of the Dudley Borough, with the aim to create a brand new town centre for the borough. For all your home upgrades, make sure that you choose reliable pros in Brierley Hill to ensure that you get a fantastic quality service.
Does your home need revamping? Or do you need to do you have a few little jobs that need to be done? At Local Pros, we’ll find you a authorised contractor who’ll have the ability to help you out with whatever you will need. Whether your just need something fixing or you want a fresh new addition to your home, a Brierley Hill pro in our network of companies can give you a great price.
Why Local Pros? Each and every contractor in our network is covered by insurance and authorised, so you can pick a Brierley Hill pro without being concerned that you might be scammed or short-changed.
Quality Brierley Hill contractors: Local Pros pros have to have the right qualifications to become listed on our network, so we know that they’re fully qualified to do your project.
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Available Services:
Local Pros have one of the largest networks of home improvement specialists in Brierley Hill, so we are sure to find you a trusted pro in Brierley Hill for your project. Our matching service is available for over 100 different home improvement projects, including plumbing, roofing, tiling, CCTV, solar panels, replacement windows, insulation, asbestos removal, kitchens, bathroom refit, new central heating or if you need extra space with a conservatory or an extension. Local Pros’s network of rated pros in Brierley Hill offer installation, maintenance and repair – so whatever you need let us know.
Residential and Commercial Projects:
At Local Pros we are able to find you the right Brierley Hill pros for either Residential or Commercial properties. Our network of specialists in Brierley Hill can deal with all your commercial requirements. Whether you need a solar panels on your office, installation of air conditioning in your office, pest control, or an electrician. We can find you the right professionals for your Brierley Hill business project.
The Next Step:
It only takes a minute to complete our quick online form. By providing us with a few details about your home improvement project we can find you the best Brierley Hill professionals. We will search our network for the Brierley Hill contractors that fit your needs (so do include as much information as possible) and provide you with comparative quotes – you can choose the best service at a price to suit your budget. At Local Pros we save you time and money. Best of all, our quote service costs you nothing and is obligation-free, so you can consider all your options prior to making any commitment.Find Brierley Hill Tradesmen
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